The following companies are involved in the content design, technical realization and processing of third-party data for

Copyright und Editing
Hostellerie am Schwarzsee
Immo Schwarzsee AG
Seestrasse 10
1716 Schwarzsee

Realization gmbh
Web development
3800 Interlaken

Content Management System
Cmsbox GmbH
3012 Bern

Entry in the commercial register
Registered office of the company: Schwarzsee (municipality Plaffeien, FR) Register court: Canton of Freiburg, VAT number: CHE-113.043.663 MWST

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This is the official website of Hostellerie am Schwarsee / Immoe Schwarzsee AG. By using this website, you accept the following terms of use and the privacy policy of Hostellerie am Schwarzsee / Immo Schwarzsee AG. You should therefore read the following terms of use and privacy policy before surfing the website.

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